Jasmine Cain


A fashion design student who became an Accountant and turned into a Developer.

About Me

profile profile

When a creative and curious mind collide, you end up with a plethora of ideas and not enough time to implement them all. Between creating things and trying new methods and ideas, there's never seems to be enough time. As a natural tinkerer, I can't stop creating in some form or way. I love nothing more when my creations come to life. When I run into obstacles while creating, I can't stop until I have figured it out.

Though I'm passionate about crafting and building things with my hands, at the age of twelve I discovered digital design programs, which peaked my interest in graphic design for social sites. As a result, it sparked my interest in code. While yearning for a more creative career and wanting to attend Nashville Software School for awhile, I decided to take the leap and attend. Now that I'm back in the game, I don't think I could ever leave, my mind is too intrigued. Programming has been another creative outlet that is fun and addictive!

Tech Stack



Bobbin is a mobile app for crafters that want to plan their projects efficiently with a built in shopping checklist. Users can create project boards and add photos of different types of swatches to their project board.


FabricMuch is an app built for crafters to track their fabric inventory to help avoid purchasing duplicates. Users can store their fabric inventory along with swatches while searching their inventory. This will help prevent multiple purchases and let users know their current inventory and how much they have. The API was handbuilt with Rails.


WIP: Cross-platform mobile application built on the Ionic 3 platform and Angular 5.

Bobbin NG5 Repo

Fabric Ipsum is a SPA that generates ipsum paragraphs based on words from a fabric dictionary.

Fabric Ipsum

How to reach me

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